Monday, September 5, 2011

The Human Microchipping Agenda

Is this for reel or for real?!? I sent my newest blog post link to a friend yesterday and in exchange, he gave me three interesting links to different websites that introduces another troubling fact. All of which, discusses about predictive programming and human microchipping. So, what's this fuss all about? As I understood it, predictive programming is mind or psychological conditioning, mainly, through media.

Human Microchip

The idea of Human microchipping was added to our vocabulary through the  various films that we saw. Initially, some reactions of the viewers  to human microchipping in films find the idea  absurd; while to others, it's a cool technology. And, more often, you give credit to the writer for having such  a creative mind. It's all fiction. It's a brilliant work. It entertained us. Can you name films where human microchipping made possible? The Manchurian Candidate, The Phantom Menace, The Last Enemy, The Simpsons; just to name a few. There are lots of 'em.  With the numerous films that has human microchipping, it all sounded so ordinary now. It's more like a reality than ever. How do you think so? Because the agenda is to introduce the idea in a subtle way (by predictive programming) so, when put into action, the masses will accept it with little resistance or none at all. Whoever finds this cool do not realize the danger we may all be in.

I'm aware that microchipping were already used in animals for tracking purposes. And we all know that animals are being made to be guinea pigs. It worked all the time  and who knows what further developments they are working on to improve and  polish the device to make it ready for human implantation?

Microchip for humans are described to be a bit different. It contains a bar code which will be made unique for each individual. It will be your National ID. Every transactions (from buying to selling, banking, payroll, etc)  will be stored into one database. No human activities will remain hidden.

True, there may be instances that human mcrochipping may prove to be beneficial especially if used to patients with Alzheimer' criminals..tracking them if the need arises will be easy. All things created have its advantages and disadvantages but if the latter outweighs the former, where would you be?  If the agenda is to make this mandatory in the future, what is behind all these? Who is/are behind the hidden agenda?

Katherine Albrecht, the anti-RFID activist and co-author of Spychips interviews Greg Nikolettos, the founder of We The People Will Not, on her radio show. Here is Part 1 of 4. The others can be found in YouTube.

Another video that shouldn't be missed can be found at We Will Not Be Chipped website. Go and research further. You can find lots of information around the net. Educate yourself!

" . . . and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

 -- Revelation 13:15-17

Will you take it?

Sunday, September 4, 2011

WHO: Wild Poliovirus Confirmed In China

Photo Credit: F.P. Williams, U.S. EPA

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29 August 2011 - A wild poliovirus was confirmed in China. The Ministry of Health has informed WHO about this wild poliovirus type 1 (WPV1) has been isolated from four young children with ages between four months and two years, with onset of paralysis between 3 and 27 July 2011. All four cases are reported to be from Hetian prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, China.

The genetic sequencing of the said virus indicates that they are genetically related to viruses currently circulating in Pakistan. A group of clinicians, laboratory experts and epidemiologists and public health experts has been dispatched to the affected regions to further investigate and plan response activities.

The local public health authorities in Xinjiang autonomous region are currently conducting an epidemiological investigation that includes collection of stool specimens from contacts and evaluation of vaccine coverage.

The Ministry of Health in China plans to conduct an initial response vaccination campaign in early September, targeting 4.5 million children aged under 15 years in the immediate outbreak area, and children aged under 5 years in adjacent prefectures. Moreover, the Ministry of Health in China and the provincial government have finalized plans for supplementary immunization activities. In a province-wide vaccination campaign, 3.8 million children will be targeted with two rounds of polio immunization. Six of the 14 prefectures in the province, including the provincial capital of Urumqi, will target children under 15 years of age, while the other prefectures will target children under 5 years of age. The map below shows the extend of the upcoming vaccination campaign to take place 8-12 September 2011 and 8-12 October 2011.

What is Poliomyelitis?

Poliomyelitis (polio) is a highly infectious disease caused by a virus that invades the nervous system.  It can cause crippling paralysis, sometimes in a matter of hours. Polio generally affects children under the age of three, but adults can contract it as well.

The virus enters the body through the mouth and multiplies in the intestine. Initial symptoms include fever, weakness, headache, vomiting and pain in the limbs. A lifelong paralysis can set in quickly. Among those paralyzed, 5%-10% die when their breathing muscles become immobilized. Many of those infected with the virus will show no symptoms at all but can pass the virus on to others.

Polio is incurable but it can easily be prevented through immunization. Polio vaccine, given multiple times, almost always protects a child for life. Through quality vaccination and disease-reporting (surveillance) systems, the Western Pacific Region has been polio-free since 19 March 1997 when the Region’s last case caused by an indigenous (locally circulating) poliovirus was reported in Cambodia. Polio continues to occur in other parts of the world.

Once established in the intestines, poliovirus can enter the blood stream and invade the central nervous system—spreading along nerve fibres. As it multiplies, the virus destroys nerve cells (motor neurons), which activate muscles. These nerve cells cannot be regenerated and the affected muscles no longer function. The muscles of the legs are affected more often than the arm muscles. The limb becomes floppy and lifeless - a condition known as acute flaccid paralysis (AFP).

Two types of vaccine against polio are available. The first is a live attenuated (weakened) oral polio vaccine (OPV), which was developed by Dr Albert Sabin in 1961. OPV is given orally and its action is two-pronged: OPV produces antibodies in the blood ('humoral' or serum immunity) to all three types of poliovirus. In the event of infection, this will protect the individual against polio paralysis by preventing the spread of poliovirus to the nervous system. OPV also produces a local immune response in the lining ('mucous membrane') of the intestines—the primary site for poliovirus multiplication. The antibodies limit the multiplication of 'wild' (naturally occurring) virus inside the gut, preventing effective infection.

The unique ability of OPV to induce this intestinal, local immunity is probably responsible for the extraordinary effect of OPV mass campaigns in interrupting wild poliovirus transmission. Due to these advantages, OPV remains the vaccine of choice for the eradication of polio.

The second type, the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV), was developed in 1955 by Dr Jonas Salk. IPV is used primarily in countries where the wild poliovirus has already been eliminated. It has to be injected by a trained health worker.

WHO recommends that polio vaccine be given at birth (in areas where polio is still endemic), at six weeks, 10 weeks and 14 weeks.


Saturday, September 3, 2011


World Blitz was created in June 2011. The articles contained herein are generally about the significant events happening in our world today. Some articles may contain my own personal observations and view of a topic that marked my mind and captured my interest.

My goal in this blog site is to compile all the reported events worldwide that transpired in the past, our present time  and what has yet to come. As such, are highlights correlating to what was put forth in the Holy Bible's Revelation in relation to that of the Blessed Virgin Mary's revelations in her apparitions to selected religious individuals.

My curiosity commenced with the eleven parts video uploaded by the Most Holy Family Monastery in Youtube; entitled, "Is the World About To End?" For me, it was an eye opener which led me to research and educate myself further for the truth. One though must keep an open mind in watching the videos,  otherwise, your skepticism may lock you out from pursuing till the end part.

We accept that this and that news are happening everywhere. The world has advanced to an unimaginable progressive era. The evolution in technology proved to be beneficial to the present time. Anything and everything is almost possible. But, the fact remains, intelligence and Science cannot stop the unfolding reality and the events prophesied  in the Holy Bible. Look around you. Read the news. Feel the weather. Observe and ponder. Reality depicts what was foretold.

Much more to all these, there are aspects hidden from the majority. Unless, one would cultivate his or her own knowledge, the reality will remain uncovered. They have been there...always in the background. Ignorance of the matter may labour bad fruits. Complacency may bring forth loss of the burning love for the Supreme Being.

All the information here are factual and well researched. The goal is to expand the awareness and understanding of the people who happen to come across my blog site.

May you be touched by The Blessed Virgin Mary and see reason with what you read, observe and hear.

May God Almighty Bless Us All!!!

The Author
World Blitz